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PSB21383 H / Infineon Technologies,Datasheet,06/07+,Siemens Codec with S 订购 PDF文档
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PSB21382 H / Infineon Technologies,Datasheet,07+,Siemens Codec with S 订购 PDF文档
PSB21391 H / Infineon Technologies,Datasheet,06/07+,Speech Codec with U_ 订购 PDF文档
PSB21391H / Infineon Technologies,Datasheet,07+,Speech Terminals - S 订购 PDF文档
PSB21384 H / Infineon Technologies,Datasheet,07+,Siemens Codec with S 订购 PDF文档
PSB21393 H / Infineon Technologies,Datasheet,07+,Speech Codec with U_ 订购 PDF文档
PSB21483 / Infineon Technologies,Datasheet,06/07+,PSB 21483 - INCA-S 订购 PDF文档
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PSB21525-H / Infineon Technologies,Datasheet,07+,High-Level Serial Co 订购 PDF文档