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International Distributors
A Division of MEMEC (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
(Beijing Rep Office)
Rm 1207, China Resources Building,
No. 8 JiangGuoMen North Ave.,
Beijing 100005, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 10 8519-1859
Fax: +86 10 8519-1860
E-mail: memecbj@public.bta.net.cn
Web site: www.insight-ap.com Insight –
A Division of MEMEC
Block C -1, 36/F, Chuan Xin Mansion,
No. 18, 2 Section of Renmin South Road,
Chengdu, Sichuan, 610016, P.R. CHINA
Tel: +86 28 619-9198
Fax: +86 28 619-9019
E-mail: memeccd@public.cd.sc.cn
Web site: www.insight-ap.com
Insight -
A Division of MEMEC (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
Rm. 703, Chongqing (Yuzhou) Computer City
3 Ke Yuan Yi Rd., Shiqiaopu
Chongqing 400039
P.R. China
Tel: (86) 23-6879-0845
Fax: (86) 23-6879-0845
E-mail: zhanghong@memec-asiapacific.com
Web site: www.insight-ap.com Insight -
A Division of MEMEC (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
36/F, Tower I,
Metroplaza, Hing Fong Road,
Kwai Fong, N.T.
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2410-2780
Fax: (852) 2410-2518
E-Mail: insight@memec-asiapacific.com
Web site: www.insight-ap.com
Insight -
A Division of MEMEC (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
Rm. 805, Glenius Xin Jie Kou
Commercial Centre
#219 Zhongshan South Road.
Nanjing, 210005
P.R. China
Tel: (86) 25-4549-807 / 4513 183
Fax: (86) 25-4549-585
E-mail: memecnj@public1.ptt.js.cn
Web site: www.insight-ap.com Insight -
A Division of MEMEC (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
(Shanghai Rep Office)
Unit 3808, Tower 1,
Kerry Everbright City, No. 218,
West Tian Mu Road,
Shanghai 200070
P.R. China
Tel: (86) 21-6215-9935,9936,9937
Fax: (86) 21-6215-9938
E-mail: insight-shanghai@memecasiapacific.com
Web site: www.insight-ap.com
Insight -
A Division of MEMEC (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
(Shenzhen Rep. Office)
Rm.2605, The International Culture Bldg.,
no. 3039 Shen Nan Central Road,
Shenzhen 518033
P.R.C China
Tel: (86) 755-366-4389
Fax: (86) 755-366-4386
E-mail: szmemec@public.szptt.net.cn
Web site: www.insight-ap.com Insight -
A Division of MEMEC (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
Unit 2406, Tower B,
Zhongshang Plaza, 7
Zhongnan Road,
Wuchang District,
Wuhan, P.R.C.
Postcode 430071
Tel: (86) 27-8732-2660
Fax: (86) 27-8732-2760
E-mail: memecwh@public.wh.hb.cn
Web site: www.insight-ap.com
Insight -
A Division of MEMEC (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
Rm. 11A2, International Trade Building,
Hubin South Road, Xiamen,
Fijian P.R. China
Postcode 361004
Tel: (86) 592-516-3621
Fax: (86) 592-516-3620
E-mail: xmzdz@public.xm.fj.cn
Web site: www.insight-ap.com
Insight - A Division of MEMEC Asia Pacific Ltd.
36/F, Tower I,
Metroplaza, Hing Fong Road,
Kwai Fong, N.T.
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2410-2780
Fax: +852 2410-2518
E-Mail: insight@memec-asiapacific.com
Web Site: www.insight-ap.com
TAIWAN Insight A Division of MEMEC
Rm 1005, 10F, No. 2, Lane 150, Section 5,
Hsin Yi Road, Taipei, Taiwan ROC 110
Tel: +886 2 87801216
Fax: +886 2 87801220
Email: insight@memectwn.com.tw
Web Site: www.insight-ap.com
Avnet Asia Pte Ltd.
Taiwan Branch
6th, No. 145, Sec.
2, Chien-Kuo N. Rd.
Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel: +886 (02) 2503-7303 ext. 168
Fax: +886 (02) 2505-7391 |